Discipline vs Desire

One thing I’ve struggled with in my faith is getting stuck in the mindset that God doesn’t want me doing fun things. There’s a lot of rules and instructions in the Bible... & it gets super easy to get tricked into thinking that God gives those disciplines just because He can. 

As a follower of Christ, I am born again. By the grace of God, my sins are washed away and I am not defined by them anymore. So why still follow the instructions that are given in the Bible? Why do I have to say no to things that won't cause harm?

I’ve come to realize is: 
God doesn’t give any tasks of disciple that don’t either teach us or protect us from ourselves. 

I realized this when I was reading Proverbs 6. Proverbs 6 is a passage where we’re warned not to fall into adultery. As Solomon is warning the reader of all the consequences that come with committing adultery, two verses stuck out to me:
“For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light,
And the reproofs of discipline are the way of life, 
to preserve you.. etc. etc.” Proverbs 6:23-24

I had to look into what the word ‘reproofs’ meant in Hebrew and I sat thinking about the verse for a little bit.
My understanding was this: 
the task/act of discipline is the way of life. NOT to make life boring, but to teach and protect us (followers of Christ). 

Protecting Us From Ourselves

There are great prices to be paid for following the fleshly desires of our hearts. God knows that and He loves us too much to just watch us struggle. That’s why He gives instructions and that’s why He asks us to be disciplined. 
It’s out of love. Not control. Not ownership. Not pride. 

It’s a Father trying to protect His children from things that they don’t understand will only end up hurting them. 

Every decision we make produces an outcome. Hence, every sin produces a consequence. Even those "little sins" (ya know: road rage, acting prideful, telling a minor lie) have consequences. Sin can cause a feeling of separation between ourselves and the Lord. 

Fortunately for us, Jesus already paid the punishment for our sins. Thank the Lord amiright.

But even though He paid the punishment for our eternal consequence, there is still an outcome from each choice we make on this earth (whether physically, mentally, or emotionally). 
When God gives us instructions and orders, it is to prevent us from falling into sin and feeling separated from Him.

When we do what God asks of us, we can have FULL joy. (1 John 1:4= These things we write to you that your joy may be full.) We can have unexplainable peace (Phillippians 4:7=And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard you hearts and minds through Christ Jesus). We have a strong fellowship with God; the things that make Him happy make us happy & the things that make Him sad make us sad. We can be filled with the excitement of our salvation. When King David committed murder, He prayed 'Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with your generous Spirit'.


In my personal walk with God, I have developed an even deeper awe of Him and His love by realizing that He doesn’t want me to be disciplined just because He says.

He loves us so much that He doesn’t want to see us act on our own desires and then end up more hurt or unfulfilled in the end. He loves us enough to tell us what’s bad for us.

Lots of love, 
Addi Kamp


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